Friday, September 02, 2005

Paul Krugman has a great bit - not too partisan, but pulling no punches. A Can't Do Government. I think that describes things perfectly. It's heartbreaking incompetence. I never liked Bush. I thought he abandoned his post on 9-11. But that was nothing compared to this. At least it caught his attention. This one took several days to catch his attention.

Rachel Maddow is doing the Al Franken show today. Talking to a journalist who is in Iraq with the Louisiana National Guard. These are likely to be poor black people from New Orleans themselves. I can't imagine how they must feel - not only are they getting shot at in Iraq, not only do they have to make do with a lack of body armour and vehicular armour, not only are they in a quagmire of Bush's choosing...they also have to deal with the fact that back home their families may be dying or thirst in New Orleans, or getting robbed or raped by gangs, or may have drowned as their homes flooded...and all this because the government doesn't give a damn about the people. That's all it can be. They don't give a damn.

This is 'homeland security'. The cell towers failed, and they had no backup communication systems. This is supposed to be the best military in the world.

Bush said nobody anticipated the breech of the levees. In 2001 FEMA's top three disasters were a terrorist attack on New York, a major earthquake in California, and a major hurricane flooding New Orleans. How the hell can this man lie like this? How the hell can anyone be that heartless? WTF? WTF, WTF, WTF. I am speechless.

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